Monday, April 07, 2008

Neocon Nation: Neoconservatism, c. 1776

"The expansive, idealistic, and at times militaristic American approach to foreign policy has produced some accomplishments of world historical importance—the defeat of Nazism, Japanese imperialism, and Soviet Communism—as well as some notable failures and disappointments. But it was not as if the successes were the product of a good America and the failures the product of a bad America. They were all the product of the same America. The achievements, as well as the failures, derived not from innocence or purity of motive, and not because Americans abided by an imagined ideal of conduct in the world, but from the very qualities that often make Americans queasy: their willingness to accumulate and use power, their ambition and sense of honor, their spiritedness in defense of both interests and principles, their dissatisfaction with the status quo and belief in the possibility of change. Are we really interested in abandoning this course?"

1 comment:

  1. I left an email adress at the end, so i'm not completely anonymous.
    Sorry to disappoint you, but it's the americans (your country or one of its predecessors) that created japanese imperialism; the very grandfather of your miscreant president exported ARMS to the NAZIs; unfortunately they didn't defeat soviet communism , which is fine since it's virtually impossible, but to shake hands with a former kgb killer and acknowledge a country thriving on organized crime? Oh, ok, maybe it's ok since the usa have brotherly feelings for such a government. Corruption and big business and no concern whatsoever for people, cultures and environment. yay.
    boris-do(a_t) excite.


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