Wednesday, June 13, 2007

UK Tory Party Leader David Cameron Declares: "I am a Zionist"

Following in the footsteps of his Tory predecessors, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron separates himself from the vile lefty anti-Semites in the UK who wake up every morning singling out Israel for boycotts as the rest of the world burns.

"If what you mean by Zionist, is someone who believes that the Jews have a right to a homeland in Israel and a right to their country then, yes, I am a Zionist and I'm proud of the fact that Conservative politicians down the ages have played a huge role in helping to bring this about,"
Of course, that is exactly what being a Zionist means, and his declaration will certainly help his chances in the next UK elections, just as it helped Sarkozy in France, who also separated himself from the ugly anti-Semitic forces, mostly on the left, plaguing that country.

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